FAQ for NVivo 11 No 2

My Question: I am working with hierarchical node trees. When I code the child nodes first then I want to accumulate the contents of my child nodes to the parent. I understand that NVivo offers me two options:

1.     Merge the child nodes into the parent node

2.     Use Aggregate in the parent node

Why do I get different results in number of references in the parent node with these two methods?

Vårt svar: Vi anser att NVivo har en mängd inbyggd funktionalitet för diskursanalys: Ordlistor med frekvens, Avancerade sökfrågor, Smart trunkering, Synonymlistor (endast engelska, tyska, franska, tyska, portugisiska, spanska), Word Trees, Tree Maps, Klusteranalys och Word Clouds. Alla dessa verktyg kan på olika sätt bidra till att göra en diskursanalys.

Our Answer: The “correct” answer is from merging the child nodes into the parent. When aggregating NVivo database module simply adds the number of references of the child nodes arithmetically to the parent node.

Merging nodes, however, gives the correct result as some of the references in the child nodes are “overlapping”. QSR has promised to look over the inconsistency occurring when aggregating.

Moreover, if you both merge and aggregate the result will be even more astonishing, namely the sum of both these methods. In the case above the result would be:
70 + 67 = 137!