FAQ for NVivo 11 No 1

My Question: I have a number of interviews with questions and answers. Fortunately, my interviews are rather well structured using Word’s paragraph templates (Heading 1, Heading 2 etc.) and the questions are identical through all interviews. Now I want to make a Word Frequency Query only for the answers, not the questions. How to do this?

Our Answer: The trick is to first create a node that contains all questions for all interviews. This is done by means of creating a Text Search Query with all questions as phrases with an OR operator between each phrase.

Step 1. We suppose all interviews are Source Items in a single Source folder and that we have a Node folder where all corresponding Case Nodes are located.

Step 2. Open one of the interviews so you can see both questions and answers.

Step 3. Highlight and copy the first question in the interview.

Step 4. Create a Text Search Query and give a proper name to the query (say ‘All Questions in the Interviews’). Paste the first question from the interview into the ‘Search for’ box. Surround this phrase with double quotes, like “Question 1”. The query should be limited to the source folder where the interviews are located.

Step 5. One behavior that you should know is that if a phrase starts or ends with one or more stopwords, then the stopwords in the phrase will not be coded. To make sure this will not jeopardize your present Text Search Query, set the Text Content Language as ‘Other’ whereby the Stop Words’ list is empty by default.

Step 6. If the phrase starts or ends with any of the following characters: \ : / * ? " < > | those characters will also not be coded. A workaround (provided the question from the interview is one or more complete paragraphs) is the following: In the Query Options tab of the Text Search Properties dialog box set the Spread Coding to ‘Surrounding Paragraph’. Also set the result as Create Result as a New Node with the name ‘All Questions in the Interviews’ inherited from the name of the Query. Click [OK] in the Text Search Query Properties dialog box to save the query.

Step 7. Continue with the open interview and select and copy next question.

Step 8. Open Text Search Query Properties dialog box and continue the ‘Search for’ text box with an ‘OR’ and then paste the current question surrounded by double quotes. The search criterion will then become:

“Question 1” OR “Question 2”

Step 9. Continue like this until all questions have been added to the criterion text box. There is no limitation of number of characters in this text box. Then finally run the Text Search Query and if everything is correct you will have a node called ‘All Questions in the Interviews’.

Step 10. If applicable return to the preferred setting for your Text Content Language.

Step 11. Create a new Coding Query that you call ‘All interviews without Questions’. Select the Advanced tab. The fist criterion should be Code at Any Selected Node and with the [Select] button you will select all the Case Nodes corresponding to the interviews. Click [Add to List]. Then select AND Not Coded at and select the node ‘All Questions in the Interviews’. Also set the result as Create Result as a New Node with the name ‘All interviews without Questions’ inherited from the name of the Query. Run the query and you will have a new node.

Step 12. Finally run a Word Frequency Query limited to only the node ‘All interviews without Questions’.