FAQ NVivo for Mac No 5

Your Question: I simply send you two sceenshots in the enclosed Word doc. This will explain my concern. I have a long experience with NVivo for Windows so I am prone to compare. I know that in NVivo for PC you can set the nodes to show plain text in certain circumstances. But in the case of Mac it seems as plain text is the only option. I will appreciate your comments. It is easier to read and code a formatted text why it is often preferred to work in the source item rather that in the node.

A.    The open source item

B.    An open Case Node:

Our Answer: You are correct in identifying that while in Windows version it is possible to see original format of text in Nodes whereas in Mac version, only plain text is displayed. It is currently not possible to retain formatting in Nodes in NVivo for Mac.

I have raised the matter with our Product Manager who collates all feature requests and prioritises them accordingly.